Register Your Local Game Store Today To Start Hosting Events
LGS’s that sign up to the Akora Play system during the month of January (BETA), will be eligible to receive a FREE tournament prize and player support kit!
To qualify, here’s what you will need to do:
• Create an Akora Play account today
• Register your store (Via “LGS Application”)
• Have your account verified by our team
• Schedule an event for the month of February, 2023
That’s it! The Akora team will be available to answer any question or take feedback from our LGS partners. We encourage stores and tournament organizers to join our Discord. This will give you direct access to our team for feedback and support. Your Discord account that represents your LGS will be provided a unique “LGS” role which will provide access to additional chat, news, feedback, and support channels. Stores may also email [email protected] for more information or assistance.

For stores and tournament organizers, this system provides a smooth and intuitive process for players to register, track, and report tournament results as well as directly providing valuable feedback to our development team. Stores will also be able to convey pairings directly, as well as standings, which will prove invaluable as player base and tournament volume continues to grow in size and scale.
Akora Play is built with the future in mind. Over the course of 2023, Akora TCG will continue to expand upon this system with the implementation of additional resources and features for both players and stores. Development of an integrated card database and deck builder are well underway, which will provide players and stores a one stop shop for gameplay analysis, deck crafting, sharing builds, and eventually having the ability to export their custom builds directly into Tabletop Simulator. Features like these will enhance player and store experience while also facilitating a seamless introduction of new players to Akora TCG.
This is an exciting time for the Akora TCG community and Akora Play is just one of our commitments to support and nurture our ever-increasing player base and local game store network.
Please keep in mind that this system is currently in its BETA stage. We felt that it would be beneficial and rewarding to allow players and stores the ability to join us during this phase of production in a collaborative effort, as your feedback is incredibly valuable. This system is built for our community of players and stores, as such, we believe that you should play a vital role in its development and success!
If you would like to provide feedback on this system prior to its official launch, we encourage stores and players alike to join our discord and/or contact us at [email protected]
As we continue to build out and optimize Akora Play, we are extremely grateful for your patience and support!